Foundations require dozens of shades to meet the range of human skin tones and it is difficult for consumers to choose the right one. With OPTE, applying just a minute amount of a light pigment directly to spots only requires 3 shades to match 98% of all skin tones.
*Based on US population
Safe LED Lights
Maximizes the contrast in skin melanin (as it scans), allowing the camera to see significantly more pigmentation than the human eye, detecting both visible spots, and the spots not yet noticeable.
Precise Color Algorithm
Micro-processes 70,000 lines of code to determine the size, shape and intensity of the spot in contrast to the adjacent surrounding skin.
Micro Printer
Contains 120 tiny thermal ink-jet nozzles (thinner than the size of a human hair) that deposit Optimizing Serum by the picoliter (one trillionth of a liter) to achieve precise coverage with 97% less product on your skin than foundation.
Integrated Digital Camera
Captures 200 skin images per second, resulting in 60,000 pictures of skin analyzed with each 5 minute use.